What is your name in English?

How do you introduce yourself in English?

Introducing oneself is a common practice in social and professional settings. It allows individuals to establish connections and initiate conversations. When it comes to introducing oneself in English, there are various phrases and expressions that can be used. In this article, we will explore different ways to introduce yourself in English, including formal and informal greetings, as well as tips for making a memorable first impression.

Formal Introductions

When introducing yourself in a formal setting, such as a business meeting or a job interview, it is important to use polite and professional language. Here are some phrases you can use:

  1. “Hello, my name is [Your Name].”
  2. “Good morning/afternoon/evening, I’m [Your Name].”
  3. “Pleased to meet you, I’m [Your Name].”

Remember to maintain eye contact and offer a firm handshake when introducing yourself formally. It is also a good idea to briefly mention your professional background or the purpose of the meeting, if relevant.

Informal Introductions

In informal settings, such as social gatherings or casual conversations, you can use more relaxed and friendly language to introduce yourself. Here are some examples:

  1. “Hey, I’m [Your Name].”
  2. “Hi, I go by [Nickname].”
  3. “Nice to meet you, I’m [Your Name].”
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When introducing yourself informally, it is important to gauge the level of formality in the situation and adjust your language accordingly. Being friendly and approachable can help create a positive impression.

Tips for a Memorable Introduction

Whether you are introducing yourself formally or informally, there are a few tips that can help make your introduction memorable:

  1. Be confident: Speak clearly and project confidence when introducing yourself. This will leave a lasting impression on others.
  2. Be concise: Keep your introduction brief and to the point. Avoid rambling or providing unnecessary details.
  3. Show interest: Ask the other person about themselves and actively listen to their response. This demonstrates your interest and makes the conversation more engaging.
  4. Use positive body language: Smile, maintain good posture, and make eye contact. These non-verbal cues can convey friendliness and openness.
  5. Follow up: After introducing yourself, make an effort to follow up with the person you met. This could be through a follow-up email or a request to connect on professional networking platforms.

Summary Table

Formal Introductions Informal Introductions
“Hello, my name is [Your Name].” “Hey, I’m [Your Name].”
“Good morning/afternoon/evening, I’m [Your Name].” “Hi, I go by [Nickname].”
“Pleased to meet you, I’m [Your Name].” “Nice to meet you, I’m [Your Name].”

Editor’s Opinion

Introducing yourself in English is an essential skill for anyone looking to communicate effectively in an English-speaking environment. Whether you are in a formal or informal setting, it is important to choose the right language and tone to make a positive first impression. Remember to be confident, concise, and show interest in the other person. By following these tips, you can master the art of introducing yourself in English.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use a nickname when introducing myself?

Yes, using a nickname is acceptable in informal settings. However, in formal situations, it is best to use your full name.

2. Should I mention my professional background when introducing myself?

In formal settings, it is appropriate to briefly mention your professional background or the purpose of the meeting. In informal settings, it is not necessary unless relevant to the conversation.

3. How can I make my introduction more memorable?

To make your introduction more memorable, be confident, concise, and show genuine interest in the other person. Additionally, using positive body language and following up after the introduction can leave a lasting impression.

4. Is it important to maintain eye contact when introducing myself?

Yes, maintaining eye contact is important as it shows attentiveness and respect. However, be mindful of cultural differences, as eye contact norms may vary.

5. How can I practice introducing myself in English?

You can practice introducing yourself in English by role-playing with a friend or recording yourself and listening for areas of improvement. Additionally, joining language exchange groups or taking English conversation classes can provide opportunities for practice.


  • EnglishClub. (n.d.). Introducing Yourself. Retrieved from https://www.englishclub.com/speaking/introducing-yourself.htm
  • FluentU. (n.d.). How to Introduce Yourself in English: Tips and Phrases. Retrieved from https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english/how-to-introduce-yourself-in-english-tips-and-phrases/
  • Speak Confident English. (n.d.). How to Introduce Yourself in English: 10 Tips for Success. Retrieved from https://www.speakconfidentenglish.com/how-to-introduce-yourself-in-english/

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